Last Updated on 12 mois by Mohamed Kadhem KARRAY

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Math Courses and Exercises | Cours et Exercices de Maths | PDF
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 17 reviews
 by Zwi Altman
Deep insight on Machine Learning

I followed the lectures on Machine Learning and Deep Learning with a lot of interest. The approach provided by Mohamed is unique and original, deep diving into the mathematical foundations of Learning.

 by Ridha Nasri

Mohamed delivers captivating insights into the theory of measures and probability, which are highly beneficial for modeling wireless communications. Additionally, his lectures on machine learning are intriguing, as they skillfully illuminate the foundational roots of data science. Mohamed's commendable effort to simplify complex concepts enhances comprehension of these theories. I strongly encourage him to explore other disciplines within mathematics and offer courses that broaden understanding across various domains.

 by Lucas Darlavoix

The content offered by Mohamed on this website is extremely complete and of an excellent quality. He is able to combine very rigorous explanations of advanced mathematical concepts with an accessible rhetoric for all listeners. The ambitious journey he has embarked on of offering a comprehensive and incremental guide to data science and telecommunications from the very end of high school to master level is none other than the reflection of his everlasting will to share knowledge, enthusiasm and beauty through mathematics.
I currently have the privilege of working with him on a Ph.D at Orange Innovation and his lessons, particularly the ones on machine learning and measure probability, have been remarkably useful to jumpstart my skill improvement on the topics. Therefore, I highly recommend these courses to anyone who wishes to discover such complex subjects with an exceptional instructor.

 by Latif Ziaudin

After having attended a few courses (about the mathematical foundations for AI), I really appreciated the efforts made to simplify this hard topic for non specialized audiences.
The videos are very clear, rigorous, fully helpful.
Mohamed's profound insights in data science, his talent to make these fields accessible to everyone, with adapted examples for all publics (even to beginners) ... should be rewarded !
I'm eager to go on with his other videos, in the richfull and passionating field of data science.

 by Jean-Marc Kelif

Mohamed proposes very interesting courses on the basic concepts of AI and machine learning. His explanations are very clear and make the process of understanding and learning complex concepts, easier and more interesting. They should be recommended to anyone interested in understanding AI/ML.

 by Imed Hadj Kacem

I watched some videos on machine learning and statistics. I find them to be useful and exemplary clear. They manage to simplify complex concepts, thus making learning accessible to everyone. I recommend exploring these informative resources to enrich understanding in this domain.

 by Radu-Cristian Neagoe
Great content

Mohamed produces very rich videos with good explanations for all levels of understanding. I recommend his Maths and machine learning courses. I also appreciate that he is providing videos in English, for the non-French speakers.

 by Mohamad Yassin
Very instructive

These lessons are very precious material for anyone interested in AI/ML. The content is very rich and provides a comprehensive overview of the field, including both theoretical concepts and technical applications. The mathematical tools needed for AI/ML are also well-described, making it easy for beginners to get started. Additionally, the videos are incredibly instructive and useful, providing clear explanations and examples.

 by Maroua Drissi

The video lessons are helpful and clear. I really appreciate how the concepts are explained in an accessible manner, greatly facilitating understanding, making the learning process more engaging. Thank you for these high-quality educational resources!

 by Meriem Mhedhbi

I recommend following the videos lessons. Mohamed is sharing his experience and knowledge on applied mathematics and provides interesting courses on the basic concept of AI and machine learning with clear guidelines to help python implementation and understanding of machine learning techniques.

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