Journal papers

  1. B. Błaszczyszyn, M.K. Karray (2019). Performance analysis of cellular networks with opportunistic scheduling using queueing theory, stochastic geometry. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, December 2019,  vol. 18, no. 12. [ HAL | IEEE Xplore ]
  2. B. Blaszczyszyn,  R. Ibrahim, M.K. Karray (2016). Spatial disparity of QoS metrics between base stations in wireless cellular networks. IEEE Transactions on Communications, August 2016, vol. 64, no. 10. [ HAL | IEEE Xplore ]
  3. B. Blaszczyszyn, M.K. Karray (2016). Spatial distribution of the SINR in Poisson cellular networks with sector antennas. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, January 2016, vol. 15, no. 1. [ HAL | IEEE Xplore ]
  4. M.K. Karray, M. Jovanovic, B. Blaszczyszyn (2015) Theoretical expression of link performance in OFDM cellular networks with MIMO compared to simulation, measurements, in Annals of telecommunications (Springer), December 2015, vol. 70, no. 11, pp 479-490. [ Springer ]
  5. B. Blaszczyszyn, M.K. Karray, H.P. Keeler (2015) Wireless networks appear Poissonian due to strong shadowing, in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, April 2015, vol. 14, no. 8, pp 4379-4390. [ IEEE Xplore ] 
  6. B. Blaszczyszyn, M. Jovanovic, M.K. Karray (2014) Quality of real-time streaming in wireless cellular networks: Stochastic modeling, analysis, in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, June 2014, vol. 13, no. 6. [ pdf | bib ]
  7. S. El Ayoubi, S. Jeux, M.K. Karray, Y. Khan (2013)  A novel hybrid simulation methodology for capacity estimation in mobile networks, in Physical Communication, Elsevier. [ pdf | bib ]
  8. M. Jovanovic, M.K. Karray (2013)  A queueing theoretic approach to the dimensioning of wireless cellular networks serving variable bit-rate calls, in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, July 2013, vol. 62, no. 6. [ pdf | bib ]
  9. B. Blaszczyszyn, M.K. Karray (2013)  Quality of service in wireless cellular networks subject to log-Normal shadowing, IEEE Transactions on Communications, February 2013, vol. 61, no. 2. [ pdf | bib ]
  10. B. Blaszczyszyn, M.K. Karray (2012) Effect of opportunistic scheduling on the quality of service perceived by the users in OFDMA cellular networks, in Annals of telecommunications (Springer), April 2012, vol. 67, no. 3. [ pdf | bib ]
  11. M.K. Karray (2010) User’s mobility effect on the performance of wireless cellular networks serving elastic traffic, in Wireless Networks (Springer). [ pdf | bib ]
  12. M.K. Karray (2010) Analytical expressions for blocking, dropping probabilities for mobile streaming users in wireless cellular networks, in Wireless Networks (Springer), November 2010, vol. 16, no. 8. [ pdf | bib ]
  13. M.K. Karray (2010) Analytical evaluation of QoS in the downlink of OFDMA wireless cellular networks serving streaming, elastic traffic, in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, May 2010, vol. 9, no. 5. [ pdf | bib ] 
  14. F. Baccelli, B. Blaszczyszyn, M.K. Karray (2004) Up, downlink admission/congestion control, maximal load in large homogeneous CDMA networks, in Mobiles Networks, Applications (MONET), vol. 9, no. 6. [ pdf | bib ]

Conference papers

  1. B. Blaszczyszyn, M.K. Karray (2015) What frequency bandwidth to run cellular network in a given country? – a downlink dimensioning problem, in Proc. of WiOpt/SpaSWiN 2015. [ HAL | IEEE Xplore ]
  2. B. Blaszczyszyn, M. Jovanovic, M.K. Karray (2015) Performance laws of large heterogeneous cellular networks, in Proc. of WiOpt/SpaSWiN 2015. [ HAL | IEEE Xplore ]
  3. M. Jovanovic, M.K. Karray, B. Blaszczyszyn (2014) QoS, network performance estimation in heterogeneous cellular networks validated by real-field measurements, in Proc. of PM2HW2N, Montreal, Canada. [ pdf | bib | Slides ]
  4. B. Blaszczyszyn, M. Jovanovic, M.K. Karray (2014) How user throughput depends on the traffic demand in large cellular networks. in Proc. of WiOpt/SpaSWiN, Hammamet, Tunisia. [ pdf | bib | Slides ]
  5. H. P. Keeler, B. Blaszczyszyn, M.K. Karray (2013) SINR-based k-coverage probability in cellular networks with arbitrary shadowing. in Proc. of IEEE ISIT, Istanbul, Turkey.  [ pdf | bib ]
  6. B. Blaszczyszyn, M.K. Karray, H.P. Keeler (2013) Using Poisson processes to model lattice cellular networks, in Proc. of IEEE Infocom, Turin, Italy. [ pdf | bib ]
  7. M.K. Karray , M. Jovanovic (2012) Theoretically feasible QoS in a MIMO cellular network compared to the practical LTE performance, in Proc. of International Conference on Wireless, Mobile Communications (ICWMC), Venice, Italy.  [ pdf | bib | Slides ]
  8. B. Blaszczyszyn, M.K. Karray (2012) Linear-regression estimation of the propagation-loss parameters using mobiles’ measurements in wireless cellular networks, in Proc. of WiOpt, Germany. pdf | bib ]
  9. M.K. Karray, Y. Khan (2012) Evaluation, comparison of resource allocation strategies for new streaming services in wireless cellular networks, in Proc. of International Conference on Communications, Networking (ComNet), Hammamet, Tunisia. [ pdf | bib ]
  10. M.K. Karray (2010) Spectral, energy efficiencies of OFDMA wireless cellular networks, in Proc. of IFIP Wireless Days, Venice, Italy. Best paper award. [ pdf | bib | Slides ]
  11. M.K. Karray (2010) Evaluation of the blocking probability, the throughput in the uplink of wireless cellular networks, in Proc. of International Conference on Communications, Networking (ComNet), Tozeur, Tunisia. [ pdf | bib | Slides ]
  12. B. Blaszczyszyn, M.K. Karray, F-X. Klepper (2010) Impact of the geometry, path-loss exponent, random shadowing on the mean interference factor in wireless cellular networks, in Proc. of IFIP Wireless, Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC), Budapest, Hungary. Best paper award. [ pdf | bib ]
  13. M.K. Karray (2010) Electromagnetic exposure, quality of service in the downlink of wireless cellular networks, in Proc. of International Conference on Wireless, Mobile Communications (ICWMC), Valence, Spain. [ pdf | bib | Slides ]
  14. M.K. Karray (2009) Study of a key factor for performance evaluation of wireless cellular networks: The f-factor, in Proc. of IFIP Wireless Days, Paris, France. [ pdf | bib ]
  15. B. Blaszczyszyn, M.K. Karray (2009) Fading effect on the dynamic performance evaluation of OFDMA cellular networks, in Proc. of International Conference on Communications, Networking (ComNet), Hammamet, Tunisia. Best paper award. [ pdf | bib ]
  16. B. Blaszczyszyn, M.K. Karray (2009) Dimensioning of the downlink in OFDMA cellular networks via an Erlang’s loss model, in Proc. of European Wireless Conference, Aalborg, Denmark. [ pdf | bib ]
  17. B. Blaszczyszyn, M.K. Karray (2008) An efficient analytical method for dimensioning of CDMA cellular networks serving streaming calls, in Proc. of ValueTools Conference, Athens, Greece. [ pdf | bib ]
  18. B. Blaszczyszyn, M.K. Karray (2008) Impact of mean user speed on blocking, cuts of streaming traffic in cellular networks, in Proc. of European Wireless Conference, Praha, Czech Republic. [ pdf | bib ]
  19. B. Blaszczyszyn, M.K. Karray (2007) Performance evaluation of scalable congestion control schemes for elastic traffic in cellular networks with power control, in Proc. of IEEE Infocom, Anchorage, Alaska, USA. [ pdf | bib  ]
  20. F. Baccelli, B. Blaszczyszyn, M.K. Karray (2005) Blocking rates in large CDMA networks via a spatial Erlang formula, in Proc. of IEEE Infocom, Miami, USA. [ pdf | bib ]


Analytic evaluation of wireless cellular networks performance by a spatial Markov process accounting for their geometry, dynamics, control schemes, 10 Septembre 2007, ENST, Paris under the guidance of Eric MoulinesBartek Blaszczyszyn. [ pdf | bib ]


  1. F. Baccelli, B. Błaszczyszyn, M.K. Karray (2020). Random measures, point processes and stochastic geometry. [ HAL ]
  2. B. Błaszczyszyn, L. Darlavoix, M.K. Karray (2024). Data science : From multivariate statistics to machine, deep learning. Book in preparation.
  3. B. Błaszczyszyn, M.K. Karray (2024). Information theory. Book in preparation.

Other scientific activities


Teaching assistant at Math Spé M’ (Louis Le Grand) (1990-1992).
Teaching assistant at Ecole Centrale Paris for the courses by Claude Lamoureux : ‘Applied Mathematics’ (1992-1996).
Teaching assistant at Ecole Normale Supérieure  (ULM, Paris) for the courses by Pierre Brémaud,  François Baccelli and Bartłomiej Blaszczyszyn :

  1. ‘Information, coding theories: Source, channel coding, Shannon theorems’ (2016-2024)
  2. ‘Random algorithms, structures: Random graphs, Monte Carlo simulation’ (2008-2009)
  3. ‘Mathematical principles of signal processing’ (2007-2008)
  4. ‘Markov processes, Queueing theory’ (2006-2007)
  5.  ‘Probability, stochastic processes’ (2005-2006)

Teaching at Ecole PolyetechniqueTelecom ParisTech with Bartłomiej Blaszczyszyn and Laurent Decreusefond:


  1. F. Baccelli, B. Blaszczyszyn, M.K. Karray (2003) Contrôle de charge dans le sens montant pour les systèmes de communication sans fil avec contrôle de puissance, April 2003, FR03 05355. 
  2. F. Baccelli, B. Blaszczyszyn, M.K. Karray (2003) Dispositif et procédé de contrôle de charge avec contrôle de puissance, April 2003, FR03 05354. 

Invited presentations

  1. B. Blaszczyszyn, R.Ibrahim, M.K. Karray, (2016) Predicting explicitly the QoS in mobile cellular networks by leveraging stochastic geomety, queueing theory, European Conference on Queueing Theory, Toulouse, France.
  2. B. Blaszczyszyn, M.K. Karray, (2015) How performance metrics depend on the traffic demand in large cellular networks, Simons Conference on Networks, Stochastic GeometryUniversity of Texas at Austin. [ Slides ]
  3. B. Blaszczyszyn, M. Jovanovic, M.K. Karray, (2014) Quality of real-time streaming in wireless cellular networks: Stochastic modeling, analysis, Keynote Speaker at WiOpt/WiVid conference, Hammamet, Tunisia. [ Slides ] 
  4. M.K Karray (2014) Stochastic modeling, analysis of wireless cellular networks, Keynote Speaker at WiOpt/SpaSWiN conference, Hammamet, Tunisia. [ Slides ] 
  5. B. Blaszczyszyn, M.K. Karray (2011) Wireless cellular networks with shadowing, GDR ISIS, Paris, France.
  6. M.K Karray (2010) Global performance evaluation of wireless cellular networks : user’s QoS, dimensioning, optimisation, Keynote Speaker at ComNet conference, Tozeur, Tunisia. [ bib | Slides ] 
  7. B. Blaszczyszyn, M.K. Karray (2010) Fading effect on the dynamic performance evaluation of OFDMA cellular networks, INRIA/TRECradio flexible chair (Supélec), Paris, France.

Thesis direction

Here is the list of my doctoral students:

  1. Lucas Darlavoix, (2023-2026) « Machine learning for QoS evaluation and dimensioning of wireless cellular networks ». Co-directed with B. Blaszczyszyn.
  2. Miodrag Jovanovic, (2012-2015) « Evaluation, optimization of the quality perceived by mobile users for new services in cellular networks. Here is the thesis report ». Co-directed with B. Blaszczyszyn.

Internship supervision

Here is a list of my interns:

  1. Zeinab Nehme (2024) Master SAR at Centrale-Supélec « AI/ML methods for latency prediction in 5G and 4G networks ». 
  2. Lynda Berrah (2023) Master SAR at Centrale-Supélec « Development of a method for calculating delay in 5G radio networks ». Thesis started in 2024 at Orange Labs with Raphaël Visoz.
  3. Awatif Echchaker (2022)  Master SAR at Centrale-Supélec « Calculation model for QoS  perceived by users in the uplink direction of 5G networks ».
  4. Julian Santos (2022) IMT Atlantique « Model for calculating QoS perceived by users of 5G networks in the millimeter wave band ». Thesis started in 2023 at Orange Labs with Jean-Marc Kelif.
  5. Lucas Darlavoix (2021) Master SAR at Centrale-Supélec « QoS model for 5G networks to take into account guaranteed throughput services ». Thesis started in 2023 at Orange Labs with Mohamed Kadhem Karray, co-directed with Bartłomiej Blaszczyszyn.
  6. Tinhinane Ben Slimane (2020) Master Ingénierie Mathématique at Sorbonne Université « Evaluation of QoS in 5G with multi-user massive MIMO ».
  7. Inesse Saidani (2019) Master SAR at Centrale-Supélec « Calculation of QoS perceived by users in 5G cellular networks ». In 2024, Inesse works as 5G Software Engineer at Nokia.
  8. Mengting Xia (2018) Master Ingénierie Mathématique at Sorbonne Université « Improve a model predicting the QoS perceived by users in 4G cellular networks in the uplink ».
  9. Rita Ibrahim (2015) Master Advanced communication networks at Polytechnique and Telecom Paris  « Compute the distribution of QoS metrics in large cellular networks. » In 2024, Rita works as research engineer at Orange Labs.
  10. Yasir Khan (2012)  ISEP. In 2024, Yasir is CEO at 38 Labs.

Offers: Jobs, PHD thesis, Internships

Orange offers  (Jobs, PHD thesis, Internships) can be found on the website
For third year internships (stages de « troisième année du collège » en France) at Orange Gardens (Châtillon, France), please send an email to orange-gardens.

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